Listen to our radio show "We Got Options" Radio Show and PodCast Hosted by The Doctor and Son.                                We talk about mental health and wellness topics! 

We Got Options Radio Show Hosted by The Doctor and Son Week 1 Introduction
We Got Options 030323.mp3
MP3 audio file [27.4 MB]
We Got Options With the Doctor and Son
We Got Options 031023.mp3
MP3 audio file [27.5 MB]

Dr. McIlwaine has appeared on Fox 46 New as an expert on several different topics; click the buttons below. 



What Would She Do? Hosted by Saran Almond; Featuring Dr. McIlwaine of Insightful Options, PLLC as the Relationship Advisor. The show airs on Charlotte's Access 21 TV the 3rd Friday each month.

Feb 2013 Relationship Show- What Would She Do? Topic "I'll Pass"